here are some orphan ideas i have and cant make far anyway!!!! if i was older i might call it my bucket list....
1. A SELLING SITE where i could sell vintage piles of stuff for altered artists 100 buttons, 20 cups and saucers, 50 old hinges, 20 little wood turnings.30 spindles.....and so much more....impediments, cant decide if it would be worth the effort...we have the stuff...
2. a ROAD TRIP with $50,000 a semi and 2 big guys , we would go out east and find the great junk shops with all kinds of neat stuff and to the big shows ...barrier, money....our customers would love it....
3.BUY A MALL, its available, on a highway in a great location and remake it into a green oak annex.....problems no money and no staff...we have the stuff and the idea...
4.a DECADE MUSEUM...with big rooms for each decade from 1880 would be so much fun to fill.....impediments, money.... a big show with our neatest archetectural cabinets and counters....impediments, dh and hes probably we are in one of the cheapest states with good low indiana prices and we cant get to the big markets where our stuff would look like a wonderful kids, jon and julie used to do them but shes gone to bella chic and hes got 4 kids...i cant even get to kane county....let alone roundtop or some big thing in california....
6. putting my basement ALTERED ART PROJECTS on the far they are just sitting down there festering way has bubbled to the top yet....
7. write a book...this one is getting satisfied daily with this blog....thanks for reading!!
8.USE OUR HIGHWAY FRONTAGE LOCATION...we have it but we cant be in 2 places at once, cant staff 2 places, cant build another there it sits ....its right on us 31...9. a turret hooked onto the back of the house towork in....
those are a few of my ORPHAN IDEAS ....just waiting to be hatched out and given a chance....just waiting for someone to jump on the band wagon and make them happen with me.... dh covers his ears, jon is swamped, julie has deserted us,.we never want another partnership...... we are all swamped it all seems pretty unlikely... but you never want to say never!!!
Hey there!
I love reading about what you're up to and I would jump on any or all of these ideas in an instant....except I'm on the other side of the world, in country New South Wales Australia. Your stuff is fantastic...and so cheap. I really think the website/Ebay idea of selling a batch of old stuff would go great for you! Give it a go...ask a student to get the site up and running for you and for a small commission they could list and handle sales?
Have a great day and a wonderful christmas,
Blessings from Shani @
hey shani!!! our site is hosted in australia and i sell australian soap...its sure a small world....
Hi Ann,
I have to tell you I would be all over your your #1 idea. I am always looking for bits and pieces to us in my work, from buttons to bits of metal, etc. you name it. I say go for it. If you ever are interested in selling "old junk" direct please let me know. It is getting hard to come by these sorts of old things out here. I hit the flea markets but always come up short and what is available is a small fortune. Best of luck to you with your bucket list. You shop looks amazing! I would have a ball there.
Happy Holidays
Noelle Garrett Designs
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