Monday, January 28, 2008

our paint recipe....

we paint everyday... we do the dry brush technique.... mainly we paint one soid color on the peice, and then dry brush another color over it...i like the second coat to be real close to the first coat in color....
we use semigloss latex from walmart..
..the hardest part is deciding if the piece is paint ready.... if its real slick the paint wont that case we sand or put kilz on it first....
on the cupboards we build we just paint on raw wood....
this is renee, a great painter out in the parking lot...

my favorite paint job is what i call driftwoody or crabshakky....its like beachy..i love it on big counters, on our real big porch post cupboards, and anything that has big old parts... its kind of rough and casual but not really just for country......i get there lots of ways, but maybe start with tan, and dont cover the thing completely, then drybrush white , then drybrush pale green, then pale blue, then a little dark but not much...everyone turns out different and nice..its kind of watery and good painter cant do it...too out of control and messy for him,..
.its usually my job.... and people either like it a lot or do not......

we get lots of paint from the mixed wrong shelves at the big places...we can use about any tan, grey pale green out there...and it saves us some money...

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