Monday, April 21, 2008

night life

my night life revolves around tv. and dh of course!!

the tudors...boring
the wire...first season....great..getting the whole thing..
wristcutters, a love story....great
deadwood....watched it all again....why did they drop it!!!
nature....those poor gorillas
pants off dance off....omg...only bumped into it...
john adams....dissappointing.
the daily show!!!! it...
pbs news...
.i miss walter cronkite....
monarch of the glen...loved the first ones...
news news favs racheal madow....patrick bucannen, lou dobbs...mark glad tucker is gone!!!
we take full advantage of netflix and tivo...


  1. What a lovely blog, :) Your pictures are fab and the theme is great. I will definitely be back for more.
    Pink Hugs,

  2. Wow....what a great TV review in a nutshell, Ann!

  3. Ann, I love your blog! I think it is a great business tool for you! You have wonderful photo's of your displays, treasure hunts and more. You do a great job of giving your customer ideas of what they can do with your lovely pieces, and how they might look in their homes or stores. I know I would love to come shop there if I lived closer! Keep up the good work! By the don't need any display advise from me...your a pro!
    Forget Me Not Dreams

  4. Hi Ann, You have such a nice store. I love blogging and its such a nice link to your other information whether it be an etsy shop or website or even a brick and mortar. Keep up the great work. Gail
