Friday, June 6, 2008

around the store

lots of neat stuff coming in now..
i love summer...
and wish i could go to more auctions.

my favorite this week, so far is the dress form..
.. its about 100 yrs old.. and so hard to find....weve only had 3 of these with the wire skirts...

lots more,.... roseville,
a few pieces of mc coy,
pretty plates, some old icecream chairs,
and 2 big chicago cabinets.... lots of furniture...

in new , we got lots of word plates back in..
.. and some more garland..

lots of good garden iron on hand..
the big arbors are good for weddings..
big load coming in this sunday. including some 5 ft chickens

also got some wonderful paving bricks...we unloaded them yesterday in 90 degree heat....they are the shiney nice kind like we used to have for sidewalks here in rochester..
ive bought about 1500, shold be coming all this week...
9 pounds each....4$..each
3$ if you take 100

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