Thursday, July 10, 2008


the antique world is kind of makes a joke of money and what value means...things are so relative.........this weeks thing....i bought a very unusual cabinet at auction for 200.....i knew it was really old, not from the was rough..... it had metal edges and lots of great features..... i sold it for 800.....that person knew a higher person on the totem pole of antiques and sold it for a lot more...... the value of it when restored is about 8000 according to the big guy... ..... apparantly all three of us are happy as clams..... im happy for my buyer and shes happy for her buyer....and the big time guy is happy with all of us...
probably someone at the sale thought i was an idiot for paying that much for a big dirty frenchy piece....
i have accepted my place on the totem pole of the antique world...
......bloom where you are planted comes to mind...

my theory is if i had to know everything before making a sale i would be very very cramped and end up resentful........also i made way more money than usual....and have a very happy customer.....a good wholesale customer who might buy more and more..... if they think im crazy for selling something that good that low....well thats good too.....they will both have to stop and see what else i might be dumb about when they are in the area......
it was an 1870s french vitreen.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great when something dominos like that?

    There's the other side, too, where you THINK something is neat and valuable -- but falls flat at sales time.
