Sunday, August 10, 2008

furniture questions

today 2 customers needed to paint an old piece of i explained our procedure....
after cleaning and fixing whatever we can we we go to the painting....
..first...we decide if the finish can recieve paint.....if its too slick the paint wont if its slick as in shiney varnish....we sand or put liquid sander on it....we never try formica and we are glad when its nice worn wood with little finish ,thats what we can paint over easily...

second a solid color...we use latex satin

third...a drybrush coat in a very close color....we get the perfect close color by adding a dollop of brown into the first color,,,or white if you want a lighter contrast etc.......

fourth...drybrush that color over the solid base color.... drybrush means take most of the paint off the brush and paint/dry brush evenly over the first doesnt cover well at all...most of the base color shows....
it makes a very casual nice affect....

then we usually put a coat of polyurathane on...
you can sand the edges too...before putting the varnish on...
the dresser in the picture has antique white and country white with a little tan mixed in for the drybrush coat.....
if there is any red stain inthe wood, as in lots of the old mahogany furniture, the light colors wont work. the stain bleeds thru....sometimes the next day!! we havent been able to solve this....and have tried lots of things....

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