Monday, September 1, 2008

how to make a junker happy

this guy knows how to push my buttons...he calls...and says, im cleaning out the barn , when can you come?

i can hardly drive in a city, but i was glad to hop into the big box truck by myself and go 40 miles cross country on back roads to see him..

above is what i saw when i pulled up....and i bought almost all of it......lots of neat white furniture, fun mannikens, glass balls, chinese furniture, fun parts, night stands, lots of little furniture, nice wicker, a big metal bed....etc etc etc......and all almost all priced and put away in our store....

hes one of my favorite places to buy...we have done business together for over 20 yrs...and its always good ...., when he says he has a lot i know what that means!!!!.....he used to have the best store...but not now... now hes kind of a famose artist...with deep junky roots..
definitely a lot of great shabby furniture and shabby chic store fixtures in this load....

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