another customer brought me kind of disgusting news today......it was about a vase i sold for 90$$ he came to see if i still had it....after i said no, he told me hed found it in a book and it was teco .....in case you never heard of teco, its very rare and valuable..and my piece was huge and unmarked....... i thought it might have been teco and did about 10 minutes research on it and couldnt find it.too busy!!!!..so i just put a price on it ...... it was probably worth a whole lot...... so i probably have a happy customer out there..even if he thinks im not the brightest......
.son jon had already heard about it out on his antique rounds.....he calls it word on the street........guess im getting famose....for sellling rare pottery for pennies on the $$...i was afraid of this...and now ive heard it from 2 places....so i guess its true....im looking at it as good advertizing...
I have collected art pottery for many years, enail me a photo and I'll give you my 2 cents worth. Mr. Flannery
thanks....but its gone!!!
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