Monday, October 6, 2008

probably a bad talk

here is an ebay trick..... i heard it in the was an older guy, not a dealer...the dealers wouldnt fall for this trick....

..the man had put a piece of carnival glass on ebay......he said he put a high price on it.....someone called him and talked him into selling it to him and taking it out of the auction...

..the guy was happy to sell the guess is that the guy probably undersold the item by a lot....

if it was us....a call like that would give me a big hint that the item i had on was rare and grossly underpriced.... like our ice cream scoop that brought 4500 on ebay...we started it at 50$...jon bought it for a !$, their price, at a flea market...

i would be thrilled to get a call like that....and i would never sell it to the caller..but i would be surper nice because the caller might end up being the wild bidder who would pay many times over my starting price....

...also im pretty sure on ebay you arent supposed to sell ahead.

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