Sunday, February 22, 2009

fun customers.....

we had a great day today..

..the fun customer of the day told me a little story.....she saw a big birdcage and told me about hitchhiking across the country inthe 60s, carrying a birdcage with her cat in it...from indiana to l.a....all by herself....she said back then everyone did it....
another told me about being around a bonfire up on a mountain in ky at a family reunion...and about a wild horse up there and driving some off road thing on the mountain trails....hes over 80..
and then there are all the little girls who love the foo foo room....
the cutest car was little and red , a smart car...the biggest , hunkiest was a big yellow hummer ...
and i got to meet the lucky lady who got my giant caterpillar as a present from her husband ..he was there too......and we had a good laugh...about the day he bought it on the phone , the day of the blizzard..... see his picture down in the blog on 0ct 20...
then another old buddy of jons was there....a ww2 vet...and he said america better start making stuff again...all the kids want to do is make money in computers and finances.... i showed him our indiana made cupboards...and i so agree with him...our school system doesnt even teach shop anymore...

so many came today... we definitely plan/ hope/want to make it thru this bad economy and it felt good to see such a good turn out for our sale..

..we all know folks who are hurting financially a little or a lot...its just kind of crummy out there ...

but its good to get out of the house and shop a little too....


  1. What lovely stories and such joy from simple pleasures. Thank you for sharing

  2. What a good day to connect with so many interesting folks
