Thursday, July 23, 2009

a nice day off.........

today we got a nice big pile of old time primitives...yelloware bowls, a butter churn lots of crocks, ironstone potty, all kinds of crock bowls, paintings, graniteware etc etc... the lady was an old antiquing friend...we met at her yardsale a long time ago...and have bought and sold to eachother ever since.... she always said when she got ready to downsize she would call me.... shes about 80 and from west virginia, .and knows a lot......she finally answered a question ive always wondered did they clean out the jugs in the old days? it seems impossible to get inside those old jugs to clean them.....she said they were usually for molasses and her mom would heat the water and pour it in the empty jug and it would melt out the mollasses and she would do it over and over until it ran clear.... ....
she gave me a present...a box of old sheet music...and told me about how they cooked baked beans ...let them sit all day in the bean pot then put bacon and molasses on them and put them in the stove all the next day day...
also there was a nice big pile of misc for the yardsale!!!
my big car is packed full so i guess i will be working a bit tomorrow on my day off....again....
now in, all rehabbed and repainted.........
a nice red cabinet, about shoulder high
a white buffet with open front
a nice black hall seat with a lift lid
a big fancy white china cabinet
a big black counter or island, a beautiful panelled door is the front
just in from the sign department[lisa]
some love signs
a big manitou sign, 6 ft long
and ....a nice git r done sign..
more tools
more crocks
a firkin
nice wicker, a chair and a planter

1 comment:

  1. What's a day off anyway??? Then what could be funner!
    Oh your customers are going to love that sheet music, I have been selling some fun sheet music.
    Oh my husband would be in "crock heaven" that's his weakness. Will have to tell him about the jug clean out.
    Isnt that neat that you could fill up your car with cool oldies.
    I took a car and a truck full to the thrift shop to unload off my hands this week, always thankful we have so many to donate to.
    Then its off my mind.
