Thursday, July 9, 2009


.9 AM
31ST ANNUAL.... STOREWIDESALE...BIGGEST BARGAINS OF THE YEAR.... we have started making some decisions...
i hate to think we are this far into summer..... usually our first decision regarding the sale is what kind of mailing we send out.....the stamps have gone up again..... so we have chosen to use a regular postcard instead of the jumbo one....this saves us about 700$ in postage...but was the jumbo card worth 700$ more $$$??? not sure if we chose right on this....our mailing list is close to 4000 names....making the stamps almost $2000......we cut about 200 names off last night.....if you got cut please email dh and he will put you back on....and get on the email list next time you get in ..
also time to think about the starting to think about what will be in the half price area.., for sure a huge pile of great christmas things we got from a fancy store closing....,..... and im seeing a whole houseful of misc this week....
i think we are going to have the best pile ever for this years sale.. .. this is annual and a biggie..we have saved things back all year in another building just for the super cheap yardsale part......if you havent been here for it here are
the parts of the sale......
+ the sale really starts friday august 7....that would be the storewide sale and the half price sale...we use a big area under the awning for that...packed full....
+ but the best part...the big yardsale is sunday only....thats the day that jons yard gets unveiled and you can buy from the rows.... 3 huge rows of 50 cents..2 $ and 4$....
+ on sunday the rough room is moved out into the driveway!!! and wade has free food...
we have plenty of parking and lots of help that day...
all this is rain or shine....


  1. Oh... I so wish I could come to your garage sale. It sounds awesome! I was thinking of coming all the way from Nebraska and then I got summoned to jury duty on the 10th! Wasn't meant to be I guess. Hope it's a huge success!

  2. thanks laurie.....ill post pictures..... ann
