Wednesday, December 16, 2009


GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN....aint it the truth....
thats what i hope the store is for our customers....a fun little break ....where you can relax and maybe find something you really like... or at least enjoy the search....

above... part of our great staff..

son jon has a blog now.. terri, our webmistress and his wife is doing the work of putting on current pictures of the BEST OF WHAT JUST CAME IN... ... hes so prolific....bought 14 oak church pews last week.... they are getting cut down by the amish this week...and should be in the store next week jon and the man who makes our counters....

my thought for the day,,,sitting here in corn country.
..bloom where you are planted.... dh got me some discs with cool pictures like this brother and sister.. below is my little daughter ...wish i knew how to make such a fun picture...
one of her friends made it for her..... i could cut it out, glue it to a piece of cardboard, and put her under a cloche...
wouldnt it be a great dummy board for the store?

MY HOPE FOR OUR STORE....THAT IT HELPS YOU find the perfect things to make YOUr room ideas COME TRUE.... whether its a room full of old bottles,....a totally romantic bedroom,.... a perfect retro kitchen ,....or a colonial great room...or a romantic hideaway ..or a key west bar..
we hate to draw the line when it comes to interesting inventory.... right now we have tons of manly, oil cans,metal boxes, old garage stuff and barn lots of christmas

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