Saturday, October 30, 2010

counters and cash wraps....

WE HAVE ABOUT 9 COUNTERS ON HAND RIGHT NOW.... jon got wonderful ceiling tin from chicago and they have made some real beauties....lots of big ones, some white some black.... lots of diffferent door configurations.... stores from all over have bought these as cash wraps or counters or just as big parts of store displays...we wholesale ...
if you know of anyone starting up a store, resturant or salon , please tell them about us....
most of ours go into houses as bars, islands or major huge tv stands.... our customers are SO INVENTIVE!!!!
i have been neglecting my blog....we are so busy right now ...and doing facebook a lot... ..............this blog is my favorite online thing and i feel guilty for not taking the time...

some eye candy for you...
i would love to have seen this show.... you know we have so many of the thngs in these pictures ....and we are in the boondocks of indiana... about the cheapest area in the country to buy things!!!

some frustrations...

.we dont ship and several times this year people from far away fans from far away want to buy our big stuff.... IF YOU CAN FIGURE OUT THE SHIPPING it can work...4 women this year have figured out how to get our stuff.... they somehow got a big truck to our door and we loaded furniture on to its possible.....the people who managed delivery...saw something they liked on one of our sites , called me,got more indfo maybe a picture or 2, decided if they wanted it , paid me, and then they figured out the shipping...we can wrap but not talking big stuff...we definitley arent interested in shipping little stuff.... that would just be a whole new business...

we have always been cash and carry, as is where is kind of place... we dont do custom....

our cash wraps and counters are so popular and would fit into so many stores...but we just arent out there where the buyers are... so many get here tho, which we are VERY THANKFUL for...


  1. be still my heart!! this would be PERFECT in my coffee shop {that i don't have!} it's still just a dream, but oh perfect. sigh. jealous that you have these!

  2. thanks kathi!!! they can be islands or tv stands too...they are big and tough....
