Sunday, October 16, 2011


its  been a great  fall...with so much happening..THE STORE IS PACKED....
..  we are trying to   figure out how to ship  our  counters  and offer them on line... we  cant  find a reasonable  price for  the shipping part....people  far away  want our  stuff and  we just   lose  almost  every  chance to sell to them.....  we are trying  tho..
 another project is   getting   a  giant  junk  sculpture  down on  the highway at our turn...i want to  go to the  farm junkyard  with jon and pick something out to  build on....
the  store is rolling along  and   many  days  the  recession  seems  to  be   over....we have  been so  busy....  our  recycled, repurposed  projects  are  really  selling....
so its pretty  good  herre 
oh  and also our INDUSTRIAL   SELECTIONS  ARE  GROWING FAST....  i like that  a lot....
another project  for me is  to learn  computer  better  ...especially   collaging  with my ipad  grandson is  helping me....

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