Thursday, December 6, 2012


we are still painting a this  blue...i saw it on pinterest...mine  is  white first, a sloppy white....then a  bit of  aqua  then  a bit of  light  blue....a little  wood  shows  thru...
issues this month..
..2 NEW WORKERS...s happy and  excited....
 JONS IDEA  of  custom work has   been a  big   deal all year......... i have fought it   and  tried to keep  him in  line....but his  theory is   GIVE THE WOMEN WHATEVER THEY WANT..i guess  this was  marshall fields  motto   a long time ago  so  maybe hes on to something....
.  ive always  been  cash and  carry and take it as is or leave it.... so this is   all  hard  for me..
IMPORTING A  PILE  FROM TURKEY..... MY NEW PROJECT....CANT believe i talked dh into it... getting  100+ big wood bowls,100+ olive oil jars and 100+of those neat olive  buckets and some doors   ...the  sender doesnt  speak english.....    so we will see!!!!
 WE GOT   SOME  TV COVERAGE....  a south bend station   came and  filmed us  about  small business and  made in was  on the news  this week...
mostly im on  facebook  but i miss  this  blog...  it  just  doesnt  feel like  many  are on here  and i dont have the time to do it  right....  facebook has  been   great for us tho....

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