jon buys most of our antique stock..

.and net works with the amish carpenters
to get the big chicago cupboards rehabbed
and the harvest tables built...the amish dont have trucks or inside phones..
he does a lot of the furniture design too..
especially the nice big display pieces.....i do quite a bit of the design too...then he trys to work out the problems before it gets to the carpenters.....
its hard to work with old parts...and hard to make the design work right, when the parts didnt really come together....we might combine table legs, headboards and shutters in one piece... each piece is different...which keeps it interesting ...
here at the store he has to fix up our rehabbed things so they are goood enough to paint....
luckily jon and i are both kind of pack rats so we usually have a lot of good stuff to work with..
hes the main one out buying ,
so im trying to train him to bring home more foo foo and decorator things..... as well as his favorites...
there is a fine line between good foo foo trash to treasure and total trash....