.thats my motto....here we a re in the corn belt..kind of isolated from the major design centers of the world...but still we can explore all the style ideas .....and we have all kinds of customers who enjoy the styles and great trends from all over................. we hoosiers have neat stuff too, and a lot of it, and really indiana is one of the cheapest places to buy antiques...so in some ways its kind of nice to be a hoosier....
here at green oak ..we dont ship our things...and we dont make special orders....but we do have lots of cool furniture at reasonable indiana prices....
i get a lot of emails from people all over wanting to buy from us.....it kind of hurts because we always need money.......i try and get them to come here....since we dont ship ....and our neatest things are one of a kind.......we have always been rooted here and dont really want to go national or travel too much....
our stuff does get around tho..we wholesale to dealers who show in texas, atlanta nashville and lots of other places...and we have good customers in stores all around indiana and m ichigan....... you probably see our cupboards around if you shop in our area.....and i sure appreciate any good words my customers have for us when they send store buyers to us....we have helped set up florists, landscapers, kids stores, beauty shops, and all kinds of gift shops ...our furniture is tough....its good wood and locally made.we try to be big and useful and reasonable....
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