we know using antiques and used furniture is great............but just think, its cheaper/greener/better too....
a really a nice antique piece , even the real good oak from 100 yrs ago , even that is cheaper than most modern furniture....and if you like the furniture from the 20s thru the 40s , we get a lot of buffets and china cabinets from those decades....it can be founed really reasonable.....in the rough....here or at auctions or at the big fleas....
the harvest tables in the picture we make using our good 100 yr old legs, which jon finds in his travels, mostly from old damaged tables, and we take them to our carpenters, who can put it all together in to a big strong modern harvest table.... .. .and walla a great useable recycled table for around 400$....plus they are made right here in indiana...
if you can do a little work you can find all kinds of possibilities in our rough room.... good old stuff just waiting for a new life...and its not particleboard either.... http://www.greenoakantiques.com/
at home we have new appliances and new upholstry and electronics...and thats about it....everything else is old or used....you can go into about any style....mine at home is eclectic and early good indiana furniture ...i love early cupboards!!!
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