all year we have saved the misc and modern and dregs in a different place for the yardsale...we have a seperate building just full and waiting for the big day...lots of christmas too....
the parts of the sale are...STOREWIDE SALE
. ...jons YARD FULL at 4$ 2$ and .50 so much so cheap...
also we take the whole rough room outside into the sun ...you can see everything!!!
for us its our yearly clearance .....our 30th anniversary sale....
the first one was just a whim ....and it went over pretty well....now it is pretty huge with lots of super bargains...
it starts at 9....and its rain or shine...
my to do list this week...
.pick words for mailer
start scheduling
think about what gets in the half price part...
dig out all the discontinued christmas...
get everything out and fluffed up for the big weekend....
basically anything weve had for a year might be cheap or realllll cheap....
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