at the yardsale i mispriced something at half of what it should have been....a pile of bricks...they were 2.75 each and my worker told us there were 150 of them....my customer asked me how much the pile was.....i did the math 150 x2.75....and told him the number.....and he said yes....all this was in the midst of the most hectic part of the yardsale...
that was so wrong.......turns out there were 300.....my grandson had counted them once when we sold 1000 of them.....they were in even piles....so i just figured anyone could do the math and figure it out....the counter was new and mainly a great helper and carrier for the sale...i picked him to count because his mom said he was good at math...my first mistake....
we figured later it must have been wrong....and our fault ,the customer asked how much for the pile....
delimma!!! over 300$ mistake..... i hated to do it but i pleaded for mercy with my customer...and he said he would pay me for the mistake........he hadnt counted, and wasnt expected to, he had taken all of them home ..... he called today and said there were 300 bricks.....
i feel like a wuss for this....and cant be mad at anyone...but so appreciative of my customer...i gave him 30 of the bricks free....
another mistake was a customer who was charged 1.00 for 12 plates instead of .50.... easily solved with a call...she came in today for her 6$
the .50 row went to good will....the rest got put away....the shop is still a wreck...but getting back to normal...
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