you can read this in french http://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=en&u=http://magpiecottage.blogspot.com/&ei=i1LgSfWiDpisjAemuYDVDQ&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=10&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Da%2Bmagpie%26hl%3Dfr%26sa%3DG

our fun frency stuff has started to come in....big dancing girls and gold crowns and all kinds of goodies...its in our white sectrion right down from the coffee....we even got another huge white mirror.... this one 5 ft wide..... i love this section....not sure what to call it... its shabby , a little french, european rustic, trashy castle.... anyway its fun and we try and have a lot of it....it fits our furniture rehabbing and refurbishing ideas...
.and im trying to get the french grey color down....
see on the vanity....its grey beige and white...one over the other.......
the mirror would be so grand anywhere....maybe a french bridal shop...or some super fancy store display, or in someones fabulous foyer.... or maybe in the dressing room...
Hi! Ann Weird??? You use the word grey. Ha Ha Ha ! I just sold several french furniture including the white dining set aready. I would buy them more. Have a nice day!
hi....t.glad it sold....did you move?.....ann
Hello Ann -- One of the shops that I used to be in is very French and/or Mediterranian in design and feel. The white stuff would do well there. Gypsy Lea's also has a big following for white and shabbotaged white furniture. I cannot do it to a good piece of furniture. As you know Mr. Flannery is a complicated person. The other blog is my attempt at codifing my own thoughts on how I feel. I am surprised that you found that blog.
Mr. Flannery
OOOoooohh LA LA'
how tres chic.
I LOve that french thing you have going on.....
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