ONE OF THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL DESIGNERS i get to meet once in a while has put us on her blog......gina at peacock park.....see here and ENJOY!!! http://www.peacockparkdesign.blogspot.com/ .....ive seen her booth at chicago and its always fabulous..and go down DEEPER into her blog for lots of beautiful ideas......she likes our coolest stuff....but it has to be kind of crusty..especially big and crusty...
come to think of it....she helped us design our giant potting tables a few years ago..and whenever she comes i try and pick her brain for new ideas for the store......
if you have a store you can see her at atlanta and chicago......too..
if you have a store you can see her at atlanta and chicago......too..
we are OPEN JULY 4......OPEN JULY 4......OPEN JULY 4....
TODAY WAS KIND OF NICE BUT WIERD..... one thing was i bought a big pile from the family of a person who i really liked who had died..... she and i always had some neat link and liked the same things... her stuff looks right at home here....and will go on to someone else now....but it was pretty sad.... usually i dont know the previous owner..
the other thing was a woman i only see about once a year.... .. shes been coming here for about 25 yrs....i had one of my collages on the floor, 2 black girls ,like paper dolls, and the words ...girls just want to have fun....she told her friend i probably made that...????? i just didnt understand what she picked up on...i used to make black rag dolls... i have no idea..........
ive gotten to meet a lot of wonderful people out here in the store...
MY JOB THIS WEEK.... this week im ordering lots of christmas...my job is to PICK OUT AND M AKE THE ORDERS FOR OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK AND ONLY BUY WHAT WILL SELL.........so i need to remember what sold last year, what were the duds, and what is left...and not waste any money on things that wont sell....we do this thru catalogs mainly....and boy can those photos lead me wrong... seems like everything this year is about being careful with money....and im trying to be ....but i need to spend a lot right now and on the right stuff....
That clock is incredible!!! If only I had your store to play in...
:-) Hope you are having a great week!
Your too far away but I love you stuff.
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