Sunday, July 26, 2009

cheap thrills.junk art ...

one of our big recycled/rehabbed counters..... the neat parts at the top are from an old house in ohio...jon andi design these and our carpenter makes them....somehave doors on the back...some open..
our new shutter/flower things ... i kept the one below for my home studio....if i ever get it moved up out of the basement...

make my day!!! a nice hint for someone near and dear....... ...

we have been working on shutters a lot lately....and have plenty to sell too...there are so many places to see junk art and recycled art out there on the internet..... see my links...

lisa made these neat shelves....a nice skinny hard to find size....

..and something for the guys..... also by lisa..

i love these, from a texas gal.....

1 comment:

Wolfie said...

Great stuff.

I have some shutter shelves in my home as well... look something like yours.