Saturday, June 23, 2012


THIS WEEK IN  CUSTOMER STORIES....  we do  get the neatest people  in   the store...
ONE, a neat  chicago  junk  guy.... told us about  his  dad  who also was in the  junk  business, and  still worked   at  92  he  said  just put  me in  my  pens[depends] and let me  get out there....
and  TODAY...  a  fun  girl  said  she  brought her  husband  the  yardsale last  year,  and he MADE HER PROMISE       that  she would never  bring him to  green oak again.....
gads....some have   been  coming   for over  30  yrs...  they  mean s o much  to me  besides  money,,,,and i  DO  love their stories..... 

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