thought for the day..
ive been wandering around the web lately and found some cool things.... like ....a cyber buddy recommended a wonderful book for bloggers... or wannabe bloggers..and its really nice...i got it on amazon ..... BLOGGING FOR BLISS by tina frey..... !!! the layout is really nice with lots of eye candy and lots of easy to understand info...........and it shows lots of other blogs...
..BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED...whether you are in new york or buckingham palace or corn country or in sunny florida... isnt it great to just try to do your own thing in your own place.... ?

.she says no cussing, typos or other blog hero is and she swears all the time...
also found this gorgeous website over on .its so cool..... ....
my dil, terri, and webmistress, is working in the store a bit now....and on later.... i would love to have some of my cyber`` junky arty and vintage "friends" on there...
the sale is over and we worked like dogs this week trying to get the store into its fall mode.... we are all about fall...... about 10 big boxes came im home on the couch taking a break....
You deserve it my dear friend.
You deserve the break!!! I hope your couch is super comfortable and you had a good one!!! I love your pictures!!!
I just LOVE your store and each and every person that works there. Everyone is always friendly and eager to help. Just going to your store makes me happy. Loved the Yard Sale too!! So many things to look at and treasures to take home. Green Oaks ROCKS!!!
(lady with semi-trailer)
thanks daniele....hope you did great with everything!!!
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