mosaic work is something i like but never get around to....i have lots of ideas and the material is everywhere..and so cheap.....like the beautiful chipped dishes in my half price room....
. nice ones here...
i wanted to make big garden pieces with mosaic...full of cool natural stuff...shells, rocks, maybe glass..... big pedestals or birdbaths!!! or large planter boxes... it would be neat...
and i love mr flannerys suggestion below in the comments.....
you can see really fun t to t crafts here... http://www.greenbeanworkshop.blogspot.com/
and here... http://www.robomargo.com/
and dont forget http://www.tamponcrafts.com/
...i colllect tramp art....made from old cigar boxes by tramps...and maybe traded with nice housewives for pie or a chicken...its so expensive i have had to curtail my desires....
Ann - I have been thinking of turrets for years. There are many unused Butler Building steel round grain storage buildings around here. I think that a silo or other round storage building could be a nice way of achieving the turret that you covet.
So, did you go out and find a good condition silo? We could all have a Pink Party and paint it, what else, PINK.
Many a truth is said in jest--sprial staircases, easy to put in windows, hmmmmmmm.
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