Legends part 2.....
DIANE.......we ALWAYS have a dollar box for jewelry...junk jewelry.... its on the floor under a dish display....one day our worker, who loves jewelry, brought up this gaudy big gold glob on a necklace with big diamonds in it..and said to me that i better look at it again...she was right...it was real...
the chain was 14k , a very good sign....id bought it at an estate sale...and it was modern and ended up there in the 1$ box with a lot of OTHER MODERN costume jewelry from the sale.......
the family was rich.....BUT i hadnt even noticed the necklace ....it was probably a memory thing.. made out of the family wedding rings....thats my guess anyway,,,,.it was cast gold with old diamonds in it...my gold guy offered me 2000 for it...now thats what i call a wonderful employee......she could have very fairly bought it for 1$$$
like anyone else could have.......
JONS BEST BUY ..so far...
one day jon came home with 2 ice cream scoops .... bought at the flea market for 1$ each..... one was heart shaped....he put them on ebay without showing them to me...with a starting price of 25 for both...usually he shows me stuff before putting it on......but really so good because i probably would have sold the heart shaped one for 100$, it was very neat.... it brought 4500$$$ on ebay....and a guy emailed us and said we gave it away ..it was really worth 8000$$....
Love the old postcards and Xmas cards. Good luck with your Wonderland sale.
What a darling little girl. Could you be anticipating Christmas? Me too!
Ann - The scoop may have been worth $8000, but the eBay auction says it was worth $4500. You made $4000 on a $1 purchase. That helps make up for some of those otherway transactions that you make. Like the $100 piece of pottery that you break on the way back to the shop. Or the fake Steuben. Its the treasure hunt that keeps us all going. The Buyer found a treasure, he's happy. You found a treasure, you're happy. And there is more hunting to do tomorrow.
aint it the truth,,mr flannery...and why did the guy quit bidding!!!
Ann - Do you have a photo of the good ice cream scoop? Would be nice to add to my mental, and therefore somewhat blurry, "look for" list.
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