Monday, June 11, 2012

i have some customer  stories.....
a lady comes in and  wanders around  for a long time and  buys a little the end  she  comes up and says  ...this is always my therapy....nice... then  she  says   i need  to    stop  after     seeing my son in prison.... 

.....a guy....  i heard  this was a quirky  place.....  i took  that as a compliment...
...2  times this week....  mothers  bringing  their  kid in  to  return  stolen  merchandise...  so  awful  and  touching.... i  feel so  bad  for the mothers...
....many  have shared  horrible   health reports....  deaths reports,  tears....
   i love the ones  who have  been  coming  for  20 ...even  30  yrs....  ,....and i love presents.... my  buddy  from  bangles  brought me a georgous /takky  necklace...she knew i would  love it... another  brought us   cannas...another   a hosta...
when im  dirty and working,  like most  of   the time... the  new ones  take me as an overworked   worker... 
dh is  getting tired  still   crazy about this   whole idea....  so many   things  to   explore...
. and i like that we are a  good   place to come  for a  good time... like   when  they  bring ther  friends.... maybe for the  free  cookies  and a visit  to the pink  room....   

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